[PRESENTATION] Legal Framework on Mine closure
LHR hosted a workshop on mine closures, their impacts on affected communities, and strategies for community responses. The workshop is organised and will be facilitated by Lawyers for Human Rights (“LHR”) and the International Federation for Human Rights (“FIDH”) for communities affected by recent mine closures or likely to be so affected by the recent announcements of corporate mine closure and down-sizing.
This workshop is part of that continuing effort.The focus of the workshop was on the impact of mine closure on human rights of the communities left behind, with a particular focus on socio-economic and environmental impacts.
The workshop used the Blyvooruitzicht Mine Village as a case study, where we have previously facilitated a Human Rights Impact Assessment study, and those of other communities impacted by mine closures, as a lens through which to examine potential risks and strategies for mitigating those risks prior to mine closures. The outcomes of the workshop will be focused on rights education and awareness, and concrete steps that communities can take in advance of closure in order to protect those rights, as well as discussion around organisation and mobilisation strategies in response to the threats and realities of mine closure.
Attached is Micheal Clements Presentation on legal framework on mine closure